《汉达的惊喜》(单元计划)/Handa‘s Surprise (UoW) by JoyZ 《汉达的惊喜》(单元计划)/Handa‘s Surprise (UoW) by JoyZAi Zhong2021-04-05T20:28:13+10:00
《想飞的小象》(单元计划)/Baby elephant wants to fly (UoW) by Rachel Tseng 《想飞的小象》(单元计划)/Baby elephant wants to fly (UoW) by Rachel TsengAi Zhong2021-04-05T20:30:33+10:00
《寓言故事》(单元计划)/Fable (UoW) by Lai Fong Chiu 《寓言故事》(单元计划)/Fable (UoW) by Lai Fong ChiuAi Zhong2021-04-05T20:32:00+10:00
《寓言和戏剧》(单元计划)/Fable and drama (UoW) by Jade Luo 《寓言和戏剧》(单元计划)/Fable and drama (UoW) by Jade LuoAi Zhong2021-04-05T20:32:45+10:00
《中秋节和月饼》(单元计划)/The Mid-Autumn Festival and Mooncake (Unit of Work) 《中秋节和月饼》(单元计划)/The Mid-Autumn Festival and Mooncake (Unit of Work)Ai Zhong2021-02-17T15:00:57+11:00
《十二生肖》(汉字动画)/12 Chinese Zodiac Animals (Animation) 《十二生肖》(汉字动画)/12 Chinese Zodiac Animals (Animation)Ai Zhong2021-02-15T16:04:57+11:00
小学课堂中教授民间故事的经验分享 /Teaching Chinese Folktales in primary language classroom 小学课堂中教授民间故事的经验分享 /Teaching Chinese Folktales in primary language classroomAi Zhong2020-08-27T18:29:52+10:00
看动画学历史:屈原(动画)/Learn history while watching animation: Qu Yuan 看动画学历史:屈原(动画)/Learn history while watching animation: Qu YuanAi Zhong2020-08-27T18:16:26+10:00