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Arabic Assyrian Chinese Greek Hindi Japanese Korean Persian/Dari Punjabi Tamil Turkish Vietnamese Generic Other language (specify in field below)
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The title of your resource in English
The title of your resource in its own language
Your Resource topic (select from these options)
Culture and celebrations (events, music, dance, traditional stories, mythology, folktales, drama) Food and shopping (customs, cooking, shopping, basic maths) Myself and my family (greetings, introductions, feelings, identity, daily routines, body/ health) My community, my school (friends, sport, technology) Environment and heritage country (geography, history, travel) Language, grammar and textbooks More teaching strategies and materials (online resources, apps, classroom management, assessment)
What type of resource is this? (select from these options)
Textbook URL (video - DVD - YouTube - Vimeo) Worksheet Games and Quizzes Pictures - Flash Cards - PowerPoint - Visual Units of Work Storybook or Reader Student workbook Performance (drama - song - dance - role-play)
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Can you describe this resource? (in the language or English, max.100 words)
What is the target level of fluency of this resource?
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
What is the youngest age this resource might be appropriate for?
undetermined 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
What is the oldest age this resource might be appropriate for?
undetermined 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Are there any copyright issues with this resource?
No, I created it. No, I have permission to publish Yes, it is created by someone else Yes, it includes images from non-copyright free sources
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