「子どもたちの学びを止めないために、NHK for Schoolを活用しませんか?いつもは授業で使うワークシートを、家庭でも使えるようにしました。家庭でどのように使えば良いのか、授業とどう組み合わせれば良いのかを示した”指南書”もごらんください。」学年ごと、科目ごとの(一部の?)NHKの教育番組を基に、ワークシート、指南書(指導書)が紹介されています。国語だけではなく、他の科目もあるので、クラスで日本語を使って、他の科目も教えることも可能?
This book is good for listening and learning Japanese. it has some questions on shapes, puzzles, reasonings, and mazes which are suitable for 4-6 year olds but may need to be explained by an adult.
Open this with PowerPoint and select the slide show.
Purpose - Reviewing Kanji (Y 7 level) that students learnt by playing a memory game on PowerPoint.
1) One student chooses 2 cards and says the number on the cards.
2)The teacher clicks the numbers and the cards flips. If the teacher clicks these cards again, the cards will go back to the number face.
3) The student reads the Kanji that are shown.
4) If the Kanji or the pictures are the same, the student can continue. If not, the next student will start the game.
How to make a memory game on PowerPoint is explained in Youtube.
This site is introduced as「パワーポイントで神経衰弱ゲームの作り方」「How to make a memory game on PowerPoint」in other content. This material was created and shared by Hornsby Japanese school.
These flashcards are based on a textbook called “Kanji Daisuki” which is specially designed for students who learn Kanji overseas. These flashcards are to be used to introduce each chapter.
Students can learn the language through singing and performing " cup song ".
They can establish a sense of community to achieve something together. You can learn vocabulary, Kanji script, instructive texts.They can film themselves showing how to do the cup movement.They can think about the meaning of the lyrics to understand the feeling behind the lyrics.You can use this as the end of the year performance or project for the older class to teach the younger class to create school harmony. Created and introduced by Mika Hochi Furniss, Central Coast Japanese Community School.