All-language Resources
Generic resources that may be useful for the teaching and learning of all languages.
2024 Academic Leadership Program
Provider: Sydney Institute for Community Languages Education
The Academic Leadership program is a 15 hour program for community language school principals, aspiring principals and members of school management committees. Participants will learn how best to support and monitor teachers, how to support new teachers and how to retain teachers. Participants will aslo learn mentoring and coaching skills. The program includes school visits and time with experienced community school principals as mentors.
Program dates
Sunday 10th November - 10am-1pm at Sydney University
Sunday 17th November - 10am - 4pm at Sydney University
Thursday 21st November - 5.30pm -8.30pm via Zoom
Thursday 28th November - 5.30pm-8.30pm via Zoom
Applications close 13th October, 2024.
Start date: 10-11-2024
End date: 30-11-2024
2024 Curriculum Leadership Program
Provider: Sydney Institute for Community Languages Education
The Curriculum Leadership program is a 15 hour program for community language school teachers who have completed the SICLE Advanced professional learning program. Participants will learn about different language teaching approaches, curriculum planning, behaviour management, assessment, feedback and reporting.
The assessment task is the development of a 2 year scope and sequence for your school.
Program dates
Thursday 17th, 24th and 31st October - 5.30-8.30pm via zoom
Sunday 20th October - 9am - 4pm at Sydney University
Program venue
This program will be held via Zoom and face to face on Sunday 20th October at Sydney University in the Education Building, A35.
Applications close 22nd September, 2024.
To register click the link below.
For all enquiries email:
Start date: 17-10-2024
End date: 01-11-2024
Home/Heritage/Community Languages
Provider: Association for Language Learning (ALL) and the British Council
This page of the Association for Language Learning (ALL) website focusses on resources and support for the teaching of Community/Heritage languages. It includes advocacy resources and recordings of online professional learning events on topics including: differentiation, motivation in CL classrooms, and raising the profile of Community languages.
Start date: No-start-date
End date: No-end-date
Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences teacher modules
Provider: The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
This comprehensive free self-paced online professional learning resource consists of five units to empower teachers of all subjects to integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCE) goals with a plurilingual approach into their regular teaching in a sustainable and context-sensitve way. Unit 4 - " Recognising diversity - towards inclusive, multilingual practices in secondary classrooms " may be of particular interest to languages educators. This course includes many useful resources, tips for teachers and self-reflection tasks.
Start date: No-start-date
End date: No-end-date
Small HL (Heritage Language) Teaching
Provider: The Heritage Language Exchange
Description: A series of short instructional videos demonstrating "small but powerful" modifications to teaching practices that can greatly improve learning. This video series features bite-sized strategies for improving the teaching of Heritage Languages (Community Languages).
Start date: No-start-date
End date: No-end-date
Teaching Arabic using the NSW K-10 Modern Languages Syllabus
Year group: ES1-12
An overview of the key elements of the NSW K-10 Modern Langauages Syllabus for teachers of Arabic. This presentation was developed and delivered by Enaam Darido, SICLE Arabic Project Officer. The presentation is in English and Arabic.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 4
Year group: 7-10
A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing topics and concepts such as: Travel, My Kitchen Rules and Fantasy epics (Urdu). Units include language structures, suggested tasks and links to resources.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 3 (2)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing topics and concepts such as: My heritage, Healthy eating, Seasons and Australian animals.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 2 (2)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing topics and concepts such as: Celebrations, School, Travel and Weather.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 1 (2)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing topics and concepts such as: Health, Maths, Time, Shopping and Cooking.
Sample Units of Work for Early Stage 1 (2)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing topics such as: Identity, Storytelling, Telling the time and Farm animals.
Languages Resources K-6
Year group: ES1-6
Sample units of work, lesson sequences, online readers, marking rubrics and programmig proformas for a range of languages across Stages ES1-3.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 3 (1)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing themes such as: Travel and Tourism, Cultural Connections, Pandemics, The Environment and Sustainability, Influencers and Comparing Cultures.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 2 (1)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing themes such as: Travel, Sport, Time, Weather, Indigenous Connections, Our bodies and The Environment.
Sample Units of Work for Stage 1 (1)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing themes such as: Eating habits, Shopping, Leisure and entertainment, Seasons, Indigenous perspectives, School life, Fables, Identity and body image.
Sample Units of Work for Early Stage 1 (1)
Year group: ES1-6
Description: A range of sample Units of Work across languages, addressing themes such as: Identity, Storytelling, Celebrations and Culture, The things we use everyday, Our Needs and Introductions.
Programming advice
Year group: ES1-12
Description: Advice on how to develop a scope and sequence (yearly overview) and program a unit of work with links to sample units. This advice is provided by NESA.
Sample Scope and Sequence template
Year group: ES1-12
Description: A simple template that can be used to develop a term/year overview of language learning for each stage.
Unit of Work planning tool
Year group: ES1-12
Description: This planning tool can be used to develop an outline of a Unit of Work. It can be modified to suit your teaching context.
Sample Evaluation template
Year group: ES1-12
Description: An easy to use template that can be used to evaluate a sequence of lessons of a Unit of Work. This template can be modified to suit your teaching context.
Project-Based Learning: Background and Instructional Strategies
Year group: ES1-12
Description: Project-based learning (PBL) which includes curriculum, instructional materials, classroom activities, and assessment of learning is a proficiency-oriented approach to using and learning a language that supports language use in the real world. The Coalition of Community-based Heritage languages schools (USA) provide a handbook and a brief video by Dr. Maria Carreira (25 minutes long) that describe the key components of project-based learning, and a document with instructional strategies that teachers in community-based schools can use.
Sample learning sequences
Year group: ES1-6
Sample learning sequences on the following topics: My favourite toy, My dream home, About me, Caring for the environment. These resources are samples that teachers may adapt to their language specific area to meet the needs of their students and local contexts.
Sample Unit of Work planning proforma
Year group: ES1-12
Sample programming template that can be used for a Unit of Work or a sequence of lessons. Template can be modified to suit different teaching contexts.
The Languages Gateway
Year group: ES1-12
This website is the UK's portal for Languages. There are resources for teachers, students, school leaders, parents and researchers. Resources can be filtered by content, language, stage of schooling and target audience. New resources are continually being added to this site.
Languages Matter
Year group: ES1-12
Information for parents and teachers on importance of home languages; reasons for maintaining the home language; advantages for children who use two languages and how two languages work together. Downloadable brochures available in 21 languages.
Presentations from Chinese Professional Learning Day 25.9.21 (Part 2)
Year group: ES1-12
Presentations from Chinese Professional Learning Day held online on 25th September, 2021 including: Classroom management strategies, theme-based teaching, programming approaches, multi-level teaching and innovative ways to teach characters.
Presentations from Chinese Professional Learning Day - 25.9.21 (Part 1)
Year group: ES1-12
Presentations from Chinese Professional Learning Day held online on 25th September, 2021 including: Programming approaches, assessment strategies, differentiation, lesson structuring, ICT tools and more.
Free Digital Reading Resources for Multilingual Learners
Year group: ES1-12
Multilingual Reading Resources is created to help multilingual learners with their reading skills, offering a huge variety of books and stories in many different languages from around the world.
Storybooks Canada - Online stories in many languages
Year group: ES1-12
Storybooks Canada is a free open educational resource that promotes literacy and language learning in homes, schools, and communities. Part of the Global Storybooks project, it makes 40 stories from the African Storybook available with text and audio in English, French, and the most widely spoken immigrant and refugee languages of Canada, including: Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish and Turkish. Share and enjoy!
Folk Tales in 31 languages
Year group: ES1-12
UK's Kids Out organisation has created this website where you can find famous Folk Tales from different countries in 31 languages and use them to help connect your students to their rich heritage. Appropriate for intermediate and advanced level students.
Languages Resources K-6
Year group: ES1-6
Sample units of work, lesson sequences, online readers, marking rubrics and programmig proformas for a range of languages across Stages ES1-3.
Games4Esl- A Website that caters for every teacher
Year group: ES1-12
Description: A website full of ideas and activities for teaching English as an additional language. This direct link contains games templates that can be adapted to teach all languages. These games would suit Beginner and Intermediate language students.
Activity Choice Boards
Year group: ES1-12
Sample of activity choice boards as a strategy to differentiate in a mixed level language class.
Explore 6 apps for language learning
Year group: ES1-12
Students might like to create text in language using these apps. Explore how to use these apps via the QR codes.
Apps and online resources for language teaching and learning
Year group: ES1-12
List of effective ICT tools and websites for languages teaching.
Independent language activities
Year group: ES1-6
These independent language activities are designed to be completed when students are learning from home. They can also be adapted and given as homework over a term or set as independent classwork. Some activities may require some parental or guardian support. Developed by NSW Department of Education.