Language: Chinese
Topic: More teaching strategies and materials


Beginner level

Early Stage 1-Stage 1

我的线下Bingo游戏 | Bingo for the Chinese classroom

课堂教学法: 游戏篇 | Gamification in the Chinese classroom

对在线中文课程有帮助的教学资源1 | Useful tools and resources for Chinese lessons online 1

试卷《木水火土》 | Test paper on nature

《动物》(单元计划) | Animals (UoW)

《动物》(单元计划) | Animals (Unit of work)

汉语线上练习题 | Chinese live worksheets

设计和开展适合初级和中级学生的课堂活动(演示文稿) | Planning and teaching: designing tasks for beginning and intermediate level students (PPT)

《数字汉语》网站 | Digital dialects website

《汉语学习小游戏》网站 | Games Learn Chinese website

歌曲及多媒体在中文教学中的应用 | Application of music and multimedia material in Chinese language teaching

动画片《三十六个字》象形字教学 | The story of the 36 characters

Intermediate level

Stages 2-3

我的线下Bingo游戏 | Bingo for the Chinese classroom

课堂教学法: 游戏篇 | Gamification in the Chinese classroom

对在线中文课程有帮助的教学资源1 | Useful tools and resources for Chinese lessons online 1

《天气》试卷 | Test paper on weather

三年级第一学期试卷 | Test paper for Year 3 Term 1

三年级第四学期试卷 | Test paper for Year 3 Term 4

四年级试卷 | Test paper for Year 4

《我心中理想的城市》(单元计划) | My dream town (UoW)

《中秋节和月饼》(单元计划) | The Mid-Autumn Festival and Mooncake (Unit of Work)

《汉语方言的介绍》(视频) | The Sinitic Languages (Video)

设计和开展适合初级和中级学生的课堂活动(演示文稿) | Planning and teaching: designing tasks for beginning and intermediate level students (PPT)

《中文语法维基》网站 | Chinese Grammar Wiki website

小学课堂中教授民间故事的经验分享 | Teaching Chinese Folktales in primary language classroom

皮影戏与中文教学 | Chinese language teaching and the light shadow puppet show

Advanced level

Stages 4-5

课堂教学法: 游戏篇 | Gamification in the Chinese classroom

对在线中文课程有帮助的教学资源1 | Useful Tools and Resources for Chinese Lessons Online 1

《流利说汉语》网站 | Chinese in flow website

《汉语交流栈》网站 | Chinese stack exchange website

怎样吸引初高中学生学习汉语 | How to engage high school students in learning Chinese

互动式教学资源在华文教育的应用实例 | Interactive Teaching Resource for Chinese Teaching