Language: Chinese
Topic: Myself and my family


Beginner level

Early Stage 1-Stage 1

眼睛耳朵鼻子嘴巴歌 | My Face Song in Mandarin Chinese

中文家人 | 家人词卡 | My Family Members in Mandarin Chinese | Talking Flashcards in Mandarin Chinese

《日期》(UoW) | Telling the time (UoW)

《动物》(单元计划) | Animals (UoW)

《动物》(单元计划) | Animals (Unit of work)

《动物园连线》(游戏) | zoo map label game (Game)

《海洋动物大合集》(视频) | Sea World Compilation (Video)

《十二生肖的顺序》(小测验) | Order of Chinese Zodiac Animals (Quiz)

《中国动物》(测验) | Chinese Animals (Quiz)

《大头儿子和小头爸爸》第1集 | Big-headed Kid and Small-headed Father Episode 1

《泥娃娃》(歌词) | A mud doll (Lyrics)

《数字与打招呼》(字卡) | Number & greeting (Character card)

《小蝌蚪找妈妈》(故事) | The tadpole is looking for mum (Story)

《泥娃娃》(歌曲) | A mud doll (Song)

《复杂的中国家庭树》(视频) | The complicated Chinese Family Tree (Video)(English)

《我家有什么人》(演示文稿) | Who are in my family?

《一个拇指》(歌词) | A thumb

《头肩膀膝脚趾》(歌曲) | Head shoulders knees and toes (Song)

《小老鼠》(歌词) | little mouse (Lyrics)

Intermediate level

Stages 2-3

三年级第一学期试卷 | Test paper for Year 3 Term 1

三年级第四学期试卷 | Test paper for Year 3 Term 4

《动物》(单元计划) | Stage 2 Animals (UoW)

《我心中理想的城市》(单元计划) | My dream town (UoW)

《动物分类》(游戏) | Animal group sort game (Game)

《看图识动物》(小测验) | Australian Animals (Quiz)

《欢乐颂》关雎尔被逼相亲片段/ | Ode to Joy extract blind date

《家有儿女》第一季第一集 | Home With Kids Season 1 Episode 1

《都挺好》大结局(视频) | All is Well finale (video)

《绕口令比赛》(口语练习) | Tongue twister contest (Speaking exercise)

Advanced level

Stages 4-5

《如何给动物分类》(视频) | How to categorise animals (Video)

《可口可乐2018年广告》 | Cocoa Cola advertisement 2018

《花木兰 倒影》(歌曲) | Mulan Reflection (Song)

《快乐汉语第8集 – 春捂秋冻》(短剧) | Happy Chinese Ep 8 – Keep covered in Spring and don’t wear too much in Autumn (Short play)

《快乐汉语第34集 – 学中医,上集》(短剧) | Happy Chinese Ep 34 – Learn about the Chinese medicine 1(Short play), CCTV 4

《快乐汉语第1集 – 远方来客》(短剧) | Happy Chinese Ep 1 – Visitor from far away (Short play), CCTV 4

《亚洲身份危机》(视频) | The Asian identity crisis(Video), Off the Great Wall (2015)

《真实中文,第二集:家与家庭》(视频) | Real Chinese, Part 2 – Home and family (Video)

《快乐汉语第33集 – 复杂的称谓》(短剧) | Happy Chinese Ep 33 – Complicated titles (Short play), CCTV 4

《对不起我的中文不好》(歌词) | Sorry my Chinese isn’t so good (Lyrics)

《对不起我的中文不好》(歌曲) | Sorry my Chinese isn’t so good (Song)

《包宝宝》(动画) | Bao (Animation)

《2016猴年央视春晚魔术 – 家的思念》(视频) | Yif Miracle (Video), CCTV (2016)

《外星人 – 假期团圆》(短片) | E.T. – A holiday reunion (Short film), Xfinity Commercial (2019)

《我梦想中的房子》(写作练习) | My dream home (Writing exercise)

《功夫战士,米饭英雄》(广告,视频) | Kungfu fighter, A hero rices (Advertisement, Video)

《像中国人一样的问候》(口语练习) | Greeting like a native speaker (Speaking exercise)

《我的家》(填字游戏) | My Home (Crossword puzzle)